
Ageing is part of the cycle of life, but rather than be defined by pain, disability, or mental decline, advanced years can be full of health, growth, and well-being. There are many health issues that are particularly of concern for those who are ageing and peptides can help maintain your health during this process.

Peptides are widely used in maintaining normal levels of metabolic processes in human organisms, treatments for various diseases, post surgeries, as an after care severe diseases and regulates ageing processes in humans. 

Cytomaxes - natural peptides Peptides:
• no allergens
• no side effects
• not addictive
• no contraindications
• a 40-year history
• clinically tested on more than 15 million people
• only positive reviews.

Therefore it is absolutely safe!
Most important – peptides are not hormones, thus there is no addiction to them!
Peptides can be natural or synthetically produced.

Proteins are the functional structures of life. Nearly all of the roughly 24,000 genes in each of your cells are blueprints for different proteins. Twenty amino acids are the building blocks from which all of these proteins are made. Amino acids join together chemically by forming peptide bonds. Peptides, polypeptides and proteins are terms used to describe amino acid strings of various lengths.

Any string of two or more amino acids is called a peptide. An oligopeptide is the general term for peptides that contain approximately 12 to 20 amino acids. Although there is not a firm cutoff, the term peptide typically refers to strings of less than roughly 30 amino acids.

Peptides occur naturally in every cell of every living thing. They have a number of functions, including the production of enzymes to help your body break down foreign substances, and create antibiotics for your immune system and hormones that control everything from growth to sexual development. Without peptides, life would not be possible.

Made in the USSR

Peptide bioregulators are a Russian product. Peptide bioregulators were, in fact, a Russian state secret for more almost thirty years… after all, they had been developed, tested and proven for military personnel, to preserve their health and their ability to defend the country.

But in today’s global economic system and with increasingly widespread education and knowledge-sharing brought by the Internet, we are more and more a commonly united human species, whether or not we have racial, religious or political affiliations… and we have the ability to share the fruits of our know-how in every field, medical or otherwise. Especially if there is commercial viability to it.

In any case, ageing populations are the increasingly common factor among various countries around the world and there are advantages to having access to wellness-enhancing supplements that can prolong health and lessen the burden of medical costs due to preventable chronic illnesses. 

Professor V. Khavinson

As a result of 20 years long research, The Institute of Gerontology and Bio-Regulation led by Prof. V. Khavinson developed a special program focusing on prevention of age-related problems, decrease mortality and increase the working period. A few years ago Russian president approved the program of implementation of peptide drugs into medicine.
In 2007 Prof. Khavinson was elected Chairman of the Biological Section of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, European Region.

In 2010 Prof. Khavinson was nominated for the Nobel Prize.

In 2011 Prof. Khavinson was elected President of the International Association of Cerontology and Geriatrics, European Region.
  • Publications of  Professor V.Khavinson  >>>>>>>
  • Patents of Professor V.Khavinson  >>>>>>>
The researchers of the Institute have reached significant success in bioregulation and gerontology.
The concept of peptide regulation of ageing has been developed, basic mechanisms of premature ageing development have been identified. It was found, that the administration of peptide bioregulators resulted in a reliable increase in the mean life span of animals by 30-40%. Geroprotective activity of the peptides is related to their effect on the mechanisms of immunity, hormonal regulation, antioxidant protection, regulation of genes expression and telomerase activity.

A new practical direction in modern medicine – bioregulation therapy – has been developed. Bioregulation therapy is based on pathogenetically substantiated administration of peptide bioregulators. It was found, that the administration of thymus and pineal gland peptides to old and very old patients restores the level of melatonin, as well as the indices of antioxidant protection, immune, endocrine and cardiovascular systems and brain functions, thus leading to a reliable decrease in the death rate.
A new group of geroprotective pharmaceuticals and parapharmaceuticals was introduced into mass production.

A long record of peptide bioregulators application in the health service has demonstrated their high effectiveness in combating various disease and pathologies, including those refractory to other medicines.

The achievements of the Institute are protected by 125 patents, including 40 foreign ones (USA, Japan, Switzerland, Australia etc.), as well as by 70 trademarks.

"Nanomedicine and human upper limit"
A documentary about real achievements of Russian scientists in the field of biotechnology and peptide bioregulation. Vladislav Bykov's film "Nanomedicine and Human Species Limit" is dedicated to the opening of military scientists, doctors, employees of the Leningrad Military Medical Academy and the Bioorganic Chemistry Institute. Academicians Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov in Moscow.

CYTOMAXES — natural peptide complexes

The researchers developed a new technology for creating biologically active food supplements (parapharmaceuticals), based on peptide complexes isolated from animal organs and tissues. A new group of parapharmaceuticals has received a name of CYTOMAXES. Biologically active food supplements are produced in the form of tablets and capsules.

Cytomaxes exert a regulatory effect on the cellular level and are used for improving the organism resistance to the impact of adverse environmental, climatic, occupational and other factors, as well as during the rehabilitation period after surgeries, traumas, diseases; in case of malnutrition, high physical loads; for the purpose of maintaining the functions of the main organism systems in old and very old persons in order to reduce the risk of disease occurrence.

The full line of Cytomaxes:
Recommended schemes of complex use of Cytomaxes
Preventive course of application natural peptide bioregulators

ENDOLUTEN  — pineal gland peptide bioregulator
VLADONIX  — thymus peptide bioregulator
BONOMARLOT — bone marrow peptide bioregulator
BONOTHYRK — parathyroid peptide bioregulator
VENTFORT — vessels peptide bioregulator
VISOLUTEN — retinal peptide bioregulator
Cytomaxes - natural peptides
GLANDOKORT  — adrenal gland peptide bioregulator
GOTRATIX  —  muscular tissue peptide bioregulator
ZHENOLUTEN — ovaries peptide bioregulator
LIBIDON — prostate gland peptide bioregulator
PIELOTAX  — kidneys peptide bioregulator
SVETINORM   — liver peptide bioregulator
STAMAKORT — stomach peptide bioregulator
SUPREFORT — pancreas peptide bioregulator
SIGUMIR  — cartilaginous tissue peptide bioregulator
TESTOLUTEN — testis peptide bioregulator
THYREOGEN — thyroid peptide bioregulator
CERLUTEN — brain peptide bioregulator
CHELOHART — cardiac peptide bioregulator
CHITOMUR  — urinary bladder peptide
TAXOREST — bronchial mucous membrane peptide bioregulator

Form release: 60 capsules of 0,2 g

Adults: 1 to 2 capsules, once or twice a day, before meal, during 1 month. It is advisable to repeat after 3-6 months.

Recommended schemes of complex use of CYTOMAXES for the prevention and correction of violations of the functioning of various body systems

  • Correction of the activities and maintenance functions of the digestive system:
  • Correction of disturbances operations and maintenance functions of the circulatory system: VENTFORT, VLADONIX.
  • Correction of disturbances operations and maintenance of the central nervous system: CERLUTEN, VENTFORT, VLADONIX, ENDOLUTEN.
  • Correction of disturbances operations and maintenance functions of the respiratory system: VLADONIX, SIGUMIR, VENTFORT.
  • Correction of disturbances operations and maintenance of the immune system:
  • Correction of disturbances operations and maintenance functions of the musculoskeletal system: SIGUMIR, VLADONIX, VENTFORT.
  • Correction of a condition after undergoing radiation and chemotherapy, and prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation: VLADONIX, SVETINORM, VENTFORT, CERLUTEN, ENDOLUTEN.
  • Correction of visual disorders, prevention of age-related eye diseases:
  • Prevention of cancer pathology, premature aging, reducing the function of the neuroendocrine system: VLADONIX, ENDOLUTEN.
  • Correction of disturbances the activities of the urinary system (kidney, bladder):
  • Correction of disturbances the activities of the male reproductive system:
  • Correction of disturbances the activities of the female reproductive system:

Preventive course of application natural peptide bioregulators

Stage 1
Endoluten — 2 capsules in the morning, 10-30 days,
Vladonix — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Thyreogen — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days.
Stage 2
Cerluten — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Ventfort — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Sigumir — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Visoluten — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days.

Stage 3
Svetinorm — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Suprefort — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Pielotax — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Stamakort — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days.


ENDOLUTEN® is a natural peptide complex extracted from the pineal gland of young animals. Such peptides have positive effects on the gland cells, they regulate the synthesis of melatonin and improve the function of the neuro-endocrine system. They adjust all cyclic processes in a body and help to restore the immune system.

Among the other products, Endoluten is the best remedy for premature ageing because of the high influence on the life span. It was proven that pineal gland peptides lengthen telomeres, the so called protective caps of the chromosomes that are responsible for keeping cells intact. They also increase the Hayflick limit, the number of times a human cell can divide until the cell division stops (from 47 to 67 times). Endoluten is the only peptide product that can increase the life span by 42%.

Pineal gland peptides have been studied for 40 years and their high efficiency has been shown in multiple clinical trials. It has been shown that Endoluten restores biorhythms and the function of all organs by regulating the production of melatonin. This peptide complex helps other organs of the endocrine system to synthesize hormones in the optimal way.

It is well known that the malfunction of the endocrine system leads to the most serious diseases and practically to everything related to ageing. Endoluten is recommended for preventing premature ageing, improving sleep, cardiovascular and reproductive systems, restoring carbohydrate metabolism and supporting bones and joints. Endoluten has a positive effect on pancreas and bone tissue mineral density as well. It is commonly known that women over 50 have a 60% chance of osteoporosis and Endoluten can prevent it.

Endoluten is also very effective for those who fight cancer and undergo radiation treatment or chemotherapy as it improves the function of the blood-forming tissue, reduces anemia, increases white blood cell production and eventually makes the recovery period shorter.

This product is also recommended for women over 45 as it prevents them from the climacteric (menopausal) syndrome, a pathological negative reaction to decline in ovarian function.

Endoluten can be used in case of very intense physical activities and psycho-emotional stress, especially by solders in extreme conditions, or by people in unfavorable work conditions.

The pineal gland is very small, about the size of a grain of rice, that is why the peptides from it are the most valuable.

Endoluten is well tolerated, with no identified side effects, complications or drug dependence.

• To regulate the neuroendocrine system
• To regulate all cyclic processes in the body
• To synchronize the biological clock
• To regulate the reproductive system
• To slow down menopause processes
• To increase fertility rate
• To prevent cancer, particularly of the reproductive system (reduces risk of cancer up to 5 times)
• To regulate immune and antioxidant status
• To increase life expectancy.

microcrystalline cellulose (E460), beetroot sugar, lactose, starch, peptide complex A-8 (peptides epiphysis), Tween-80.

Daily dose contains (2 capsules): 20 mg of peptide complex A-8 (peptides from epiphysis).

Adults: 1-2 capsules, once a day before breakfast, for 1 month.
It is advisable to repeat the course in 3-6 months for the best results.

Form release:
20 / 60 capsules of 0.2 g


VLADONIX® is a natural peptide complex extracted from a thymus of young animals. These peptides significantly improve and maintain the strong immune system.

One of the organs that play a vital role in the well-being of the immune system is the thymus. It contains all the immune cells and it is responsible for the optimal function of the immune system. All mammals, including humans, have this gland with the same cell composition. The peptides in Vladonix are extracted from the thymus of young and healthy calves.

The immune system is one of the most important systems that regulate the whole body function. If it weakens, it becomes much more difficult to deal with all other diseases and as a result, the quality of life considerably decreases. That was the reason why Vladonix was the very first peptide product. It was developed in the 70's in the Russian Military Medical Academy. In the beginning it was meant for the soldiers who served in hot spots during military operations. The high stress and unfavorable environmental factors have a profound effect on the state of the immune system and, therefore, it is crucial to maintain it.

Later on it was proved that Vladonix was in fact beneficial for everyone including young people if they lived or worked under adverse conditions or if they were exposed to vibrations, radiation, emotional stress etc. This product is also exceptionally important for elderly people because the size and activity of the thymus are dramatically reduced with age, and the organ itself is replaced with fat. That is why old people are very vulnerable to infectious diseases.

For 40 years, Vladonix has proved its efficiency in restoring the functional activity of immune system cells on optimum level. It is recommended both for people who suffer and recover from cold, flu, infectious diseases, inflammations and cancer. It is commonly known that cancer patients have a low immunity system, especially after undergoing the radiation treatment or chemotherapy; therefore, Vladonix is essential in these cases.

VLADONIX and CANCER (an excerpt from an interview with Prof. Khavinson)
Cancer is yet another problem with multiple causalities, it has many localisations, but the main problem is of course the weakened function of immune system and in particular that of lymphocytes. At first, there is no cancer, there are certain cells that mutate, the oncogenic cells. The immune system blocks them as long as immune system functions properly. We get these mutated cells every day and immune system destroys them without any problem. As soon as our immune system gets weaker, it can no longer control the spread of these mutated cells and this is how cancer comes into existence. This is why administering peptides that stimulate the function of our immune system, and in particular regulate our thymus cell immunity, enables minimizing the risk of оncogenic diseases. I would like to stress that we are pioneers in that matter, it has just been published. We managed to demonstrate that administering the immune system peptides after exposure to various carcinogens minimized the risk of cancer by three to five times. This is a world record, our achievement. About 15 experiments have been run on several thousands of animals. So I would like to state that Vladonix, which is similar to Timaline, used by responders at the Chernobyl power plant, gives the opportunity to minimize the risk of cancer by several times. This is a statement made by the ex main gerontologist in Europe.

Vladonix is recommended to people of all ages and especially elderly and those exposed to adverse conditions or stress. It is recommended both for people who suffer and recover from cold, flu, infectious diseases, inflammations and cancer.

• Immunodeficiency
• Prevention of cancer
• After-care from severe diseases
• For various chronically intoxications
• Stroke and heart attack after-care
• Post surgeries
• Anti-ageing program.

Peptide complex A-6 (peptides of thymus). Inactive ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose (E460), beetroot sugar, lactose, starch, Tween-80.

Adults: 1 to 2 capsules, once or twice a day before meal, during 1 month. Repeat every 3-6 months.

Form release:
60 capsules of 0.2 g


BONOMARLOT® is a complex of peptide fractions received from bone marrow of young animals. The dedicated peptides have a selective action on cells of the hematopoietic system. They normalize metabolism and improve the functional activity. The effect of BONOMARLOT® was proven in numerous clinical studies. It restores the functional activity in various cases including the impact of extreme environmental factors and recovery after illnesses associated with anemia and hypoalimentation. it also maintains the functions of the hematopoietic system during aging.

• Anemia therapy
• Complex treatment of oncological patients
• Hypoalimentation.

peptide complex A-20 (peptides of bone marrow), microcrystalline cellulose (E460, the flowing agent), gelatin (encapsulating agent), sugar beet (binding filler), lactose (excipient-humectant), starch (stabilizer), tween-80 (emulsifier), titanium dioxide (E171, coloring agent for capsules).

Daily dose contains (2 capsules): 20 mg of peptide complex A-20.

Adults: 1-2 capsules, 1-2 times a day before meal, for 1 month.
It is advisable to repeat the course in 3-6 months for the best results.

Form release:
60 capsules of 0.2 g


BONOTHYRK® is a complex of peptide fractions received from parathyroid young animals. The dedicated peptides have a selective action on the parathyroid cells, normalising metabolism and improving functional activity. BONOTHYRK® effect was proven in various clinical studies. It restores the parathyroid functional activity in cases related to hyperparathyroidism, osteoporosis, deossification, urolithiasis, muscle weakness, hypocalcemia, numbness and muscle spasms.

• Osteoporosis
• Deossification and urolithiasis
• Muscle weakness, parathyroid hyperplasia
• Numbness and muscle spasms, caused by hypocalcemia

peptide complex A-21 (peptide of parathyroids), microcrystalline cellulose (E460, the flowing agent), gelatin (encapsulating agent), sugar beet (binding filler), lactose (excipient-humectant), starch (stabilizer), tween-80 (emulsifier), titanium dioxide (E171, coloring agent for capsules).

Daily dose contains (2 capsules): 20 mg of peptide complex A-21.

Adults: 1-2 capsules, 1-2 times daily before meal, for 1 month.
It is advisable to repeat the course in 3-6 months for the best results.

Form release:
60 capsules of 0.2 g


VENTFORT® is a natural peptide complex extracted from blood vessels of young animals. These peptides are extremely efficient at improving and strengthening the vascular system.

It is known that people over 40 usually have problems with their blood vessels. They become inelastic and affected by atherosclerosis, therefore the sufficient blood circulation to all tissues cannot be guaranteed. According to the new research, even younger people may face the same problem. In fact, blood supply deficiency is involved in pretty much any pathology. Therefore, all the people who already have some diseases must restore the blood circulation in their impaired organs.

Ventfort was created exactly to correct those pathological changes. It contains the blood vessel peptides that are extracted from young, healthy calves with a very sophisticated method. It makes possible to separate low molecular fraction from aorta tissues that have the capacity to restore the function of blood vessels of all sizes, from aorta to the smallest capillaries.

A conventional treatment for all diseases becomes more efficient alongside with Ventfort. It is recommended as prevention as well as the treatment for coronary artery disease, encephalopathy, оbliterating endarteritis and others diseases connected with blood supply deficiency.

• Hypertension
• Atherosclerosis of the limb vessels
• Atherosclerosis of the brain vessels
• Dysfunction of blood circulation inside a brain
• Ischemic heart disease
• Varices
• Encephalopathy
• Obliterating endarteritis
• Hemorrhoid
• Angiopathy

Peptide complex A-3 (peptides of vessels). Inactive ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose (E460), beetroot sugar, lactose, starch, Tween-80.

Adults: 1 to 2 capsules, once or twice a day before meal, for 1 month.
It is advisable to repeat the course in 3-6 months for the best results.

Form release:
60 capsules of 0.2 g