Chonluten - bronchi mucosa peptide
CHONLUTEN® is a peptide complex that contains amino acids that normalise the lungs and bronchial mucuos cellular function. Used for correction of pathological changes in lungs resulting in various diseases.

Clinical studies have shown the effectiveness of Chonluten as a prevention and treatment patients with lungs disorders, bronchitis and chronic respiratory infections, as well as maintenance of respiratory system of elderly patients.

Chonluten stimulates the functional activity of key cellular elements of lung tissue and reduces the level of spontaneous cell death. Thus, the supplement has a stabilizing effect on the lung tissue and bronchial tubes.

Chonluten is well tolerated, causing no identified side effects, complications, contraindications or drug dependence.

• Chronic respiratory failure,
• Chronic cardiopulmonary failure,
• Post-pneumonia treatment,
• The consequences of long-term mechanical ventilation,
• Respiratory distress syndrome,
• Pulmonary tuberculosis in remission,
• Chest injuries,
• Burns of the upper respiratory tract,
• Toxic pulmonary lesions, including carbon monoxide poisoning,
• Support during intensive sport training,
• Maintenance of the respiratory system in elderly patients.

Peptide complex AC-7 (glycine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid). Other ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose (E460),beetroot sugar, lactose, starch, Tween-80.

Adults: 1 to 2 capsules, once or twice a day before meal, during 1 month. It is advised to repeat the treatment after 3-6 months.

After the course of Chonluten it is recommended to take natural lungs and bronchi peptide TAXOREST® (2 capsules before meal every morning during 1-2 months).

Form release:
60 capsules of 0.2 g