CYTOGENS — synthesized peptides

Cytogens - synthesized peptides
Cytogenes, unlike Cytomaxes, are synthesized from natural amino acids. The result is a copy of the working part of the most active peptide area of all complex. It is contained in extract, being one shortened molecule. The synthesized peptides render faster effect,  starting the function of restoration of internals at the initial level. Physiologically active short peptides are reasonable to use at any age to delay ageing processes, maintain metabolic processes at normal level, prevent various diseases and as a rehabilitation after serious illness, injuries and surgeries. Further, for continuation of positive dynamics in therapy it is recommended to take Cytomaxes.

The full line of Cytogens:
VESUGEN  — synthesized vessels peptide — correction of cardiovascular system functions
CRYSTAGEN — synthesized thymus peptide — correction of immune system functions
CHONLUTEN  — synthesized lungs and bronchial peptide — correction of respiratory system functions
PINEALON  — synthesized brain peptide — correction of central nervous system functions
CARTALAX  — synthesized cartilaginous tissue peptide  — correction of locomotor apparatus functions
OVAGEN  — synthesized liver peptide — correction of liver functions
CARDIOGEN  — synthesized heart peptide  — correction of cardiovascular system function
BRONCHOGEN — synthesized bronchial peptide  — correction of broncho-pulmonary system functions
TESTAGEN  — synthesized testicular peptide  — correction of testicular functions
VESILUT  — synthesized bladder peptide  — correction of the bladder functions
NORMOFTAL  — synthesized retina peptide  — correction of retinal functions
PANCRAGEN  — synthesized pancreas peptide — a treatment for chronic pancreatitis and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Form release: 60 capsules of 0,2 / 0,275 g

Adults: 1 to 2 capsules, once or twice a day, before meal, during 1 month. It is advisable to repeat after 3-6 months.
After the course of Cytogen it is recommended to take corresponding natural peptide Cytomax (2 capsules before meal every morning during 1-2 months).