CYTOMAXES — natural peptide complexes

The researchers developed a new technology for creating biologically active food supplements (parapharmaceuticals), based on peptide complexes isolated from animal organs and tissues. A new group of parapharmaceuticals has received a name of CYTOMAXES. Biologically active food supplements are produced in the form of tablets and capsules.

Cytomaxes exert a regulatory effect on the cellular level and are used for improving the organism resistance to the impact of adverse environmental, climatic, occupational and other factors, as well as during the rehabilitation period after surgeries, traumas, diseases; in case of malnutrition, high physical loads; for the purpose of maintaining the functions of the main organism systems in old and very old persons in order to reduce the risk of disease occurrence.

The full line of Cytomaxes:
Recommended schemes of complex use of Cytomaxes
Preventive course of application natural peptide bioregulators

ENDOLUTEN  — pineal gland peptide bioregulator
VLADONIX  — thymus peptide bioregulator
BONOMARLOT — bone marrow peptide bioregulator
BONOTHYRK — parathyroid peptide bioregulator
VENTFORT — vessels peptide bioregulator
VISOLUTEN — retinal peptide bioregulator
Cytomaxes - natural peptides
GLANDOKORT  — adrenal gland peptide bioregulator
GOTRATIX  —  muscular tissue peptide bioregulator
ZHENOLUTEN — ovaries peptide bioregulator
LIBIDON — prostate gland peptide bioregulator
PIELOTAX  — kidneys peptide bioregulator
SVETINORM   — liver peptide bioregulator
STAMAKORT — stomach peptide bioregulator
SUPREFORT — pancreas peptide bioregulator
SIGUMIR  — cartilaginous tissue peptide bioregulator
TESTOLUTEN — testis peptide bioregulator
THYREOGEN — thyroid peptide bioregulator
CERLUTEN — brain peptide bioregulator
CHELOHART — cardiac peptide bioregulator
CHITOMUR  — urinary bladder peptide
TAXOREST — bronchial mucous membrane peptide bioregulator

Form release: 60 capsules of 0,2 g

Adults: 1 to 2 capsules, once or twice a day, before meal, during 1 month. It is advisable to repeat after 3-6 months.

Recommended schemes of complex use of CYTOMAXES for the prevention and correction of violations of the functioning of various body systems

  • Correction of the activities and maintenance functions of the digestive system:
  • Correction of disturbances operations and maintenance functions of the circulatory system: VENTFORT, VLADONIX.
  • Correction of disturbances operations and maintenance of the central nervous system: CERLUTEN, VENTFORT, VLADONIX, ENDOLUTEN.
  • Correction of disturbances operations and maintenance functions of the respiratory system: VLADONIX, SIGUMIR, VENTFORT.
  • Correction of disturbances operations and maintenance of the immune system:
  • Correction of disturbances operations and maintenance functions of the musculoskeletal system: SIGUMIR, VLADONIX, VENTFORT.
  • Correction of a condition after undergoing radiation and chemotherapy, and prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation: VLADONIX, SVETINORM, VENTFORT, CERLUTEN, ENDOLUTEN.
  • Correction of visual disorders, prevention of age-related eye diseases:
  • Prevention of cancer pathology, premature aging, reducing the function of the neuroendocrine system: VLADONIX, ENDOLUTEN.
  • Correction of disturbances the activities of the urinary system (kidney, bladder):
  • Correction of disturbances the activities of the male reproductive system:
  • Correction of disturbances the activities of the female reproductive system:

Preventive course of application natural peptide bioregulators

Stage 1
Endoluten — 2 capsules in the morning, 10-30 days,
Vladonix — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Thyreogen — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days.
Stage 2
Cerluten — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Ventfort — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Sigumir — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Visoluten — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days.

Stage 3
Svetinorm — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Suprefort — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Pielotax — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days,
Stamakort — 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10-30 days.