GLANDOKORT® is a peptide bioregulator specifically developed to boost the function of the adrenal gland. It is imperative for both emotional and physical well-being working in the same way as peptide bioregulators developed naturally in a body. It does not have any side effects and it does not cause addiction.

• Restoring and re-energising the adrenal gland
• Combating adrenal fatigue or weakness in the glands by maintaining adrenal activity.

peptide complex A-17 (extract from the adrenal gland), microcrystalline cellulose (E460), gelatin, beet sugar, lactose, farina, twin-80, titanium dioxide (Е171).

Daily dose contains (2 capsules): 20 mg of peptide complex A-17.

Adults: 1-2 capsules, 1-2 times a day before meal, for 1 month.
It is advisable to repeat the course in 3-6 months for the best results.

Form release:
60 capsules of 0.2 g