Ovagen  - liver peptide
OVAGEN® is a peptide bioregulator for liver with protective and restorative effect on liver cells, developed to correct pathological changes in the liver.
Ovagen is a peptide complex that contains amino acids that contribute to the normalization of the liver function and gastrointestinal tract.

A clinical study has shown that Ovagen works as prevention and treatment for patients with hepatitis of different etiology, prevention of complications from radiation and chemotherapy and the side effects from antibiotics and other drugs, as well as effects on the body of various adverse factors (including environmental, toxins), and malnutrition, as well as to support liver function in elderly patients.

After Ovagen treatment, most patients with chronic persistent hepatitis and chronic liver disease, distinguished the disappearance of weakness, increased appetite and efficiency, reduced diarrheal illness, reduced the intensity of pain.

Ovagen is well tolerated, with no identified side effects, complications, contraindications or drug dependence.

• Metabolic disorder,
• Reduced liver function,
• Skin diseases,
• Normalization of lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis and obese patients,
• Prevention of diabetes,
• Inflammatory liver disease,
• The consequences after all types of viral hepatitis,
• Alcoholic and toxic liver damage,
• Acute liver failure,
• Chronic liver failure,
• Preoperative and postoperative periods during liver surgery,
• Long-term antibiotic therapy,
• Chemotherapy and radiation therapy,
• Cholestasis, biliary dyskinesia,
• Cirrhosis of various origins,
• Enteropathy, dyspepsia,
• Prevention of liver disease in elderly patients.

Peptide complex AC-3 (leucine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid). Other ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose (E460),beetroot sugar, lactose, starch, Tween-80.

Adults: 1 to 2 capsules, once or twice a day, before meal, during 1 month. It is advisable to repeat after 3-6 months.

After the course of Ovagen it is recommended to take natural liver peptide SVETINORM® (2 capsules before meal every morning during 1-2 months).

Form release:
60 capsules of 0.2 g'