PIELOTAX® is a natural peptide complex extracted from kidneys (renal parenchyma) of young animals. Such peptides regulate metabolism and function in kidney cells and have beneficial effect on the urinary system. Pielotax is recommended to prevent and treat different diseases associated with kidney disorders.

• Chronic pyelonephritis
• Interstitial nephritis, glomerulonephritis
• Tubulopathy of various origins
• Urinary system diseases and anomalies
• Urolithiasis (kidney stones)
• Renal failure.

microcrystalline cellulose (E460), beetroot sugar, lactose, starch, peptide complex A-9 (kidney peptides), Tween-80.

Daily dose contains (2 capsules): 20 mg peptide complex A-9 (peptides from kidneys).


Adults: 1 to 2 capsules, once or twice a day before meal, during 1 month. Repeat every 3-6 months.

Form release:
60 capsules of 0.2 g