Revilab Anti-A.G.E

Revilab Anti-A.G.E
Revilab Anti-A.G.E
 is an antiglycant agent which has no analogues in the world. This is a highly effective anti-age complex with a powerful deglycating and antioxidant effect, which guarantees the fastest and most intense action in the fight against protein degradation and age-related skin changes. Its active substances complement and enhance the action of each other, that makes possible for them to slow down the process of glycation and to protect the body from Advanced glycation end-products (A.G.E). 

Revilab Anti-A.G.E. protects skin from the appearance of premature wrinkles, prevents vessels destruction, ROS loss from mitochondria and DNA mutational changes.

Revilab Anti-A.G.E helps to keep not only radiant young and supple skin, but also healthy internal organs, strong muscles and strong ligaments.

Revilab Anti-A.G.E. protects the body from any consequences of the exposure to agressive environments: unbalanced diet, improper daily routines, physical and mental stress, adverse environmental impact.

Active ingredients:
taurine, lipoic acid, gematokokkus extract (astaxanthin), carnosine (dipeptide consisting of ß-alanine and L-histidine), rosemary extract.

Other ingredients: 
MCC (carrier),  gelatin capsule (food gelatin, food coloring candurin, titanium dioxide, blue diamond), lactose (filler), calcium stearate (the flowing agent), silicon dioxide (the flowing agent). 

Form release: 30 capsules of 0,30 g.

Application method:
1 pill per day with meal during 4-6 weeks. Repeat if necessary. The course can be taken multiple times per year.

Main components:
Rosemary has a powerful anti-glycating, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect. There is evidence that rosmarin acid, a natural molecule present in large quantities in rosemary, has the strongest analgesic effect from all known, including synthesized molecules. The phytoncides contained in rosemary are excellent antioxidants, prevent the aging of the body, protect youth and beauty.

Carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine)
Dipeptide Carnosin is a natural antioxidant and a "trap" of free radicals. To date, important biological functions of carnosine have been established, in particular, the ability to exhibit antioxidant and antiglating properties. It is able to recognize a large range of very dangerous to human health molecules coming from outside or formed in the body itself. Chemically binds to them and detoxifies them. Carnosine is a universal detoxifier and protector of the brain, eyes, heart and skeletal muscles.

Astaxantin has a special effect on the skin: reduces the number of wrinkles, increases the level of moisture and restores its elasticity. Studies have shown that, thanks to a special chemical structure, astaxanthin is an amazing antioxidant, 100 times more effective than vitamin E and 10 times more effective than beta-carotene. It protects our body from free radicals and glycation products of proteins. Astaxanthin interacts with other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, increasing their effectiveness.

It has an antioxidant effect, protecting the body against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Some studies have shown that it lowers blood pressure and neutralizes the negative impact of high salt intake. Stresses cause a rise in blood pressure due to the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine, narrowing the blood vessels. Taurine confronts this process, reducing pressure. The main task of this component is to normalize metabolic processes at the cellular level and protect proteins from damage.

Alpha-lipoic acid (vitamin N)
Alpha-lipoic acid is a strong antioxidant that is able to bind aggressive free radicals, improves the metabolism of sugar in the cell, preventing it from accumulating and sticking with collagen or elastin fibers. This component is able not only to prevent the process of glycation, but also to restore already damaged cells. It protects the body from ultraviolet radiation, takes an active part in energy production in the body, promotes vision improvement, has neuroprotective and hepatoprotective action, normalizes cholesterol level in atherosclerotic vascular lesions.