SIGUMIR® is a natural peptide complex extracted from the cartilage and bone tissues of young animals. These peptides regulate metabolism and functions of the spine and joints.

Sigumir should be taken at all ages as an effective preventive measure against joint diseases, that are usually difficult to treat. The fact is that the cartilaginous and bone tissues are very resistant and barely responding to corrective measures. It is especially important for those who do not move or exercise a lot.

Sigumir is also effective in addition to a conventional treatment especially at initial stages and significantly boosts recovery, eases pain and makes joints more flexible.

• Arthritis
• Rheumatism
• Osteochondrosis
• Osteoporosis
• Gout

Peptide complex A-4 (peptides of cartilage). Inactive ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose (E460), beetroot sugar, lactose, starch, Tween-80.

Adults: 1 to 2 capsules, once or twice a day before meal, during 1 month. Repeat every 3-6 months.

Form release:
60 capsules of 0.2 g