STAMAKORT® is a natural peptide complex extracted from a stomach of young animals. These peptides have selective effect on the cells of gastric mucosa regulating their function and metabolism. Stamakort reduces the risk of various digestive disorders.

Stamakort restores the optimal function of gastric mucosa and is therefore recommended for prevention as well as remission of conditions such as ulcer disease and others stomach related. It is also highly efficient if used in addition to a conventional therapy treating various gastrointestinal, pancreatic and hepatic diseases.

• Regulation of gastrointestinal function
• Prevention of gastritis and peptic ulcer
• Faster healing of gastric mucosal defects
• Treatment of polyps in the stomach
• Prevention of gastric cancer
• Accelerated elimination of Helicobacter Pylori
• Prophylactic treatment of heartburn, belching, bloating and other digestive disorders.

microcrystalline cellulose (E460), beetroot sugar, lactose, starch, peptide complex A-10 (peptides gastric mucosa), Tween-80.

Daily dose contains (2 capsules): 20 mg peptide complex A-10 (peptides from mucuos of the stomach).

Adults: 1 to 2 capsules, once or twice a day before meal, during 1 month. Repeat every 3-6 months.

Form release:
60 capsules of 0.2 g