Natural peptide bioregulators in sublingual form

Sublingual use of drugs is a modern trend in medicine. This method of introducing medical substances into the body avoids the negative effect of drugs on the gastric mucosa, accelerates the absorption of active substances into the bloodstream - directly through the oral mucosa. Our peptides in sublingual form have the property of being absorbed directly through the oral mucosa, which facilitates faster penetration of peptides. This leads to an acceleration of the manifestation of the effect of the drug. In addition, when using several drugs at the same time, the sublingual route of administration of drugs avoids the need to swallow a large number of gelatin capsules, which may be undesirable in case of stomach problems, for example, in chronic gastritis or gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

The most important advantage of lingual peptides is the ability to smoothly and individually adjust the dosage. The key point is that the body is involved in the recovery process quickly, but gently and smoothly. In addition, since the drug is liquid and dosed by drip, it is very easy to select the dosage of the bioregulator suitable for each individual person.

Who are sublingual peptide for? First of all, people over 50 years old, many of whom are hypersensitive to parapharmaceuticals. When using linguals, we get a general response of the body in the form of normalization of the function of the corresponding organs and tissues. Small concentrations of the active substance in sublingual peptides serve as a guarantee against hyperactivation of regulatory systems, since in old age the body's reserves for bioregulation are no longer large and should not be overextended. So, the reduced dosage gives us the desired effect.

Physiologically active short peptides are advisable to be used for medicinal purposes at any age to maintain a normal level of metabolic processes, prevent and treat various diseases, rehabilitation after serious diseases, injuries, operations, and slow down the aging process in the body.

The full line of Cytomaxes lingual:

ENDOLUTEN lingual — pineal gland peptide bioregulator
VLADONIX lingual — thymus peptide bioregulator
VISOLUTEN lingual — retinal peptide bioregulator
VENTFORT  lingual — vessels peptide bioregulator
CERLUTEN lingual — brain peptide bioregulator
TAXOREST lingual — bronchial mucous membrane peptide bioregulator
SUPREFORT lingual — pancreas peptide bioregulator
THYREOGEN lingual — thyroid gland peptide bioregulator

Form release: 10 ml

Adults are recommended to take under the tongue 5–6 drops (0.25–0.35 ml) for 10–15 minutes before eating 3–4 times a day. The duration of admission is 1 month. It is recommended to repeat the reception in 3–6 months.