THYREOGEN lingual — thyroid gland peptide bioregulator

THYREOGEN lingual — thyroid gland peptide bioregulator
For the endocrine system (thyroid gland)

Complex of peptide fractions acquired from thyroid gland of young animals. Discharged peptides possess selective action to thyroid glands cells, normalize metabolism in cells and regulate thyroid gland functions.

The efficiency of Thyreogen lingual peptide was defined at clinical studying. It is effective for complex recovering of thyroid gland functions after diseases of various genesis, at the pathological states leading to violation of thyroid gland functions, influence of external environment extreme factors, malnutrition, at aging and also while living in the territory, endemic to diseases of thyroid gland.

• metabolic disorders,
• prevention of thyroid gland diseases,
• hypo - and hyperthyrosis,
• autoimmune thyroiditis.

Water, peptide complex A-2 (thyroid gland peptides).

Daily dose (1 ml) contains
 10 mg of peptide complex A-2.

Adults are recommended to take under the tongue 5–6 drops (0.25–0.35 ml) for 10–15 minutes before eating 3–4 times a day. The duration of admission is 1 month. It is recommended to repeat the reception in 3–6 months.

Form release: 10 ml