
Peptide products can turn around the time

Products from NPCRIZ
Not so long ago, youth seemed to be irreplaceable and temporary; however, today everything has changed.

With the help of scientists with more than 30 years of experiments and studies about the human ageing process, truly amazing products have been discovered, based on the natural peptides.

Peptides are very short proteins, which are made from amino acids.

Peptides are the major components for human kind. All living processes happen with the help of peptides or so called molecules of life! Peptides have major anti-aging effect on human cells thus preventing different types of diseases and curing the existing ones. Also, they carry out protective actions against toxins and other damaging factors and support levels of mature and active cells as well as their metabolism. With the help of peptides, cells life expectancy increases by 30-40%.

On average, people live up to 75 years, using up to 30% of energy for living resources and fighting against toxic environmental factors, such as: ecology, stress and ultraviolet radiation. Also, the life style factors play a crucial role in human life expectancy – food, water and exercise. Most of us do not have a healthy diet, do not consume clean water, our life style is not active enough and we don’t have a clear regime for rest. All these listed factors lead to changes in our genes and as a result, we age quicker, decreasing our life expectancy by up to 30-40%.

Peptide products have no contraindications. Nowadays, such products are one of the most popular ways of anti-aging, which is affordable for everyone!

Citomaxes Series  100% short natural peptides for the health

Peptides in capsules are made from natural peptides, amino acids, vitamins and microelements. Such peptides were created from short peptide fractions with the help of completely new technology or nanotechnology. Short and active peptides are widely used in maintaining normal levels of metabolic processes in human organisms, treatments for various diseases, post surgeries, as an after care severe diseases and regulates ageing processes in humans.

Citogens Series  Synthetic peptides bioregulators 

Development of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology RAMS – as a result of years of research, a new approach to finding physiologically active peptides. Based on analysis of the amino acid sequence of polypeptides of animal organs and tissues identified short peptides that contain a composition of 3 amino acids, which are the "active center" of the drug based on extracts from animal materials. It is possible to create a new class of biologically active food supplements  parapharmaceuticals, were called Citogens.

Natural peptide complexes in solutions

Natural peptide complexes in solutions
Complex from liquid peptides has a major effect on the human body. Peptides protect human cells from toxins, speed up the metabolism inside the cells and as a whole they stabilize the work of all the organs. They also help humans to increase resistance to illnesses.Nowadays, complex from liquid peptides is a very popular solution to stay young and be healthy! Peptides work in the following way: In case of a failure in any organ in a human body, natural peptides are directed to that specific organ. With the help of peptides new cells are born, which provide protein, eventually they die and the whole cycle starts all over again. If the body reduces the speed of making new cells then with the help of natural liquid peptides that process begins to work.

Food Supplements for active longevity

Food Supplements  for active longevity

Mesotel internal

Mesotel internalNPCRIZ company does not only produce natural bioregulators but also other products based on the same level. One of the most popular products are Mesotels based on holin, gotu kola and boxthorn. Such products were produced for improvement of the immune system, nervous system and prevention of the pre-mature ageing. At the University of Bioregulations and Gerontology in Saint. Petersburg doctors and health specialists came up with the idea of strictly observing patients who were consuming Mesotels. After 6 months of observations the results came up amazing! Patients in age group between 55-65 showed a great improvement in memory, increase of 18% in melatonin level-which means slowing down of the ageing processes, strengthening of the immune system and increase of anti-oxidant levels. Such results, once again have showed that Mesotels are one of the best products after natural peptides. The Doctors of the Institute have concluded the following: «none of the products which we have worked with have showed such fantastic results as Mesotels».

Mesotel for external use  for neck and face, for body, for hair and scalp

Mesotel for neck and face, for body, for hair and scalpHPE-4  a new generation of precursors of acetylcholine used in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. If the earlier part of many anti-aging tools included deanol, but now he was replaced by tetragidroksipropil ethylenediamine (THPE or HPE-4). By their nature, HPE-4 is a double molecule deanola, but its effectiveness is 4 times higher than its predecessor and 2 times more women are sensitive to it. HPE-4  a high-performance and multifunctional compounds, which brought a new word into the outer mesotherapy. Moreover, it is non-toxic in a wide range of doses, does not cause sensitization and allergies, and is absolutely safe when used in areas around the eyes. The composition of the outer mesothelium of the head, face and neck, as well as the drug enters the body in tandem with the already famous and popular Neovitin complex, which further extends the range of effects of mesothelioma and increases the efficiency of HPE-4 for another 23%. Anti-age effects are complex HPE-4 Neovitin based on reducing the area of the skin, its moisture and stimulation of fibroblast collagen and elastin. These effects are confirmed not only by microscopy, but also during the instrumental hardware-effectiveness studies of the drug, such as, for example, skin impedance before and after using the anti-aging complex HPE-4 + Neovitin.

Cosmetics REVILLINE with natural peptide complexes

Cosmetics Reviline with natural peptide complexes
The basis of cellular makeup REVILINE founded a group of natural peptide complexes with different points of application, providing a strong and visible anti-aging effect on skin. Used complex realizes its effect by stimulating the regeneration of skin cells, blood circulation and microcirculation, as well as the synthesis of collagen, elastin skeleton skin. All this manifests itself in lifting, as well as improving the texture, color and skin moisture. The structure of the peptide series REVILINE includes powerful antioxidant complex nature of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and its inductors obtained through biotechnology. These complexes have antioxidant, immunomodulatory, UV-protective, antiradiation and antitumor effect of significantly accelerating the process of detoxification and regeneration of skin cells. The combination of natural peptides and natural SOD  a new word in the revitalization and cellular makeup.
Cosmetics don`t contain Parabens, Propylene Glycol and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS)

Cosmetics Compliment  for skin care with synthesised peptides

Cosmetics COMPLIMENT - for skin care with synthesised peptides

COMPLIMENT and REVILLINE creams don`t contain Parabens. 
In the 1990s, parabens were deemed xenoestrogens―agents that mimic estrogen in the body. Estrogen disruption has been linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues. And in 2004 British cancer researcher Philippa Darbre, Ph.D., found parabens present in malignant breast tumors. As a result, experts in many countries are recommending limits on paraben levels in cosmetic products. 

COMPLIMENT and REVILLINE creams don`t contain Propylene Glycol.
Propylene Glycol is the active ingredient in antifreeze. It is also used in makeup, toothpaste and deodorant. Stick deodorants have a higher concentration of PG than is allowed for most industrial use! Direct contact can cause brain, liver and kidney abnormalities. The EPA requires workers to wear protective gloves, clothing and goggles when working with it.

Decorative Cosmetics with natural peptides

Decorative Cosmetics with natural peptides

Revidont Professional – oral cavity care

REVIDONT PROFESSIONAL - oral cavity care
In a series of tools for oral care REVIDONT PROFESSIONAL you will find everything you need for efficient, high quality and enjoyable care for your smile. REVIDONT PROFESSIONAL  an innovative series, the uniqueness of which lies in the principle of its action. It allows you to contend not only with the symptoms, but also affect the very cause of dental diseases. In a series of REVIDONT PROFESSIONAL contains non-abrasive polishing agents, carefully related to the enamel. Unconditional highlight the series is a group of innovative patented bioactive complex developed by our strategic partner  CBW with RAS "Vita", as well as a complex of natural peptides acting in different groups of cells at the DNA level. REVIDONT PROFESSIONAL  it is always cleanliness of teeth, fresh breath, and the complex care of the oral cavity.

REVIDONT PROFESSIONAL series don`t contain Parabens, Propylene Glycol and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS).
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate are the most toxic ingredients on this list. When used in combination with other chemicals, they can form nitrosamines, a deadly class of carcinogen. They are used to clean engines, garage floors and at car washes. AND still the most popular ingredients for makeup, shampoo and conditioner and toothpaste. Exposure causes eye damage, depression, diarrhea and many other ailments.

SPA Line  Skin, Hair & Body care